The Apple Farm Stand @ Stonegoose Farms

Stone Goose Farms, owned / operated by Ross & Kaye Gansz, is a 120+ acre apple and organic fruits & vegetable farm located both in North Rose, NY (apples) and Newark, NY (fruits & vegetables). Ross & Kaye both grew up on and worked various farms including potato, onion, corn and cabbage. The Apple Farm Stand @ Stone Goose Farms has been a dream of both Ross & Kaye which has now become a reality. Growing up in family run business has lead Ross & Kaye down the path of owning their own business. Family values and strong / solid customer experiences & relationships have always been top of mind with the Gansz’. The businesses that they have been a part of or have owned themselves have demonstrated the care and nurturing they give to both their business and customers.

Customer experience / relationship is what it is all about and they are sure that you will experience everything they have to offer and then some when you visit, The Apple Farm Stand @ Stonegoose Farms.

Awesome video featuring The Apple Farm Stand! Ross & I are so proud of what we have built and are continuing to build.